
Wednesday's Adults

So, I'm looking for ways to improve our current situation (that belonging to myself and my husband). Over dinner I suggested we adopt--a child, hopefully a small cute one who will grow up to be successful and along the way gain us much admiration from the community. I say, "there are so many kids who need homes." And, I'm right. But it dawns on me that, we, also need a home, seeing as to how we have lived with various in laws since we returned from our "year without beef" in London. So, boingo, it hit me! Why don't we appear as Wednesday's Children? We can both, a) get homes and b) gain much admiration from the community for taking our unemployment & homelessness and turning it into an opportunity for some giving/loving/child-wanting person to rear us and teach us the manners we've never known. I am roughly five feet tall, am consistently confused for a teen, and have the maturity of my 9 year old nephew; I am also without a home, and although I have two great parents (suck it orphans), I'm pretty sure they would legally sever ties with me if I asked nicely enough and promised to turn over the AmEx (I realize that I'm 27 and that should be a given, but it's for emergencies, duh).

My husband, on the other hand, is over six feet, has a masters degree in economics (snore), is clearly an adult, and probably not a suitable candidate for adoption; although, he does have a pretty sweet insurance policy, which could be considered transferable to his adopted parents.

So, any takers? Adopt us!

P.S. Check out our dog on Wednesday's Dog...this is a package deal!