
Erin Go Push-Up-Bra...

I always loved Halloween in the same way that many kids do. There's pumpkin carving, costumes, and of course, candy that lasts months on end. To me, it's a day for children to revel in make-believe, get high off of their faces on sugar, have an epic stomach ache/pass out on the come down, and wake up to tally another awesome costume onto their lists. I can also see why some adults may want to partake in a little Halloween fun--their is an element of fantasy...you can break out from your humdrum existence of suits & ties or jeans & converse (depending on your type); you can partake in some excessive imbibing (much like any other NYC holiday, but this is like getting drunk and method acting simultaneously).

What I do not understand is why some adults, certain female ones, take unsexy & common professions/animals/childhood characters and convert them, and Halloween in general, into All Sluts Day. There was a great moment on that pranking puppets show on Comedy Central where Sarah Silverman called a costume store, and after requesting several typical slutty costumes--nurse, cat, schoolgirl--she asks the clerk if they sold any sexy "Hitler costumes."
I mean, why not just dress as strippers? Or Barker's Beauties? Or a nudist? Why sexualize completely unsexual things...nurses, I guess I get (have you seen those printed scrubs and rubber shoes they wear...HOT!)...but cats? A pirate? Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz--the beacon for all things wholesome and youthful? A fucking S.W.A.T. team member?

Apparently, this trend is about to infiltrate my absolute favorite NYC shitfest/holiday--St. Patty's Day. I walked past a store today, and guess what was in the window?

I suppose she's a sexy version of this guy:

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